Spirit of a Rotarian

Distinguished Community Service Award

Distinguished Community Service Award

District Rotarian of the Month

Jan Hutchinson, November 2017

Jackie Bonner, September 2018


Past Presidents of Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise

 District 5150 Club Awards

Our clubs, to support The Rotary Foundation and Object of Rotary. generally organize their humanitarian service and club activities around the Rotary five Avenues of Service: Community, Youth, International, Vocational, and Club Service. Strategic activities are Membership  Development. Public Image and Relations to grow Rotary locally and internationally.

Our District provides guidelines for Clubs to follow in order to report and tell their results for the year. Based on these guidelines the District presents annual awards to all clubs to recognize their successes. Awards are given for Best Club, Community Service, Youth Service, International Service, Vocational Service, Membership, Public Image/Relations and The Rotary Foundation.

Rotary Club of Novato sunrise 2016-17 Awards


Club Leaders
Club Calendar
2020-2021 Sunrise Projects
2018-2019 Sunrise Reflection
District 5150 2019-2020 Award
District 5150 2018-2019 Awards