Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise Photo Gallery

Oktoberfest 2024
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Photos from Gary Ferber's collection taken at Oktoberfest 2024, Saturday October 19, 2024, at the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church hall.

Pirates Breakfast 20241217
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Novato Sunrise hosted a Pirates Breakfast for a classic gift exchange among members. Each member brought a wrapped gift and then took a number to either steal a gift someone else had opened to pick a gift to open. Lots of hilarity and competition emerged!

District 5150 2019-2020 Awards
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District 5150 2019-2020 Awards

District 5150 2018-2019 Awards
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District 5150 2018-2019 Award

Ocktoberfest 2018
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The Club held its 7th annual Oktoberfest at the Greek Church in Ignacio on October 20th and what a success it was!

Fishing in the City 2018
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Co-sponsored by the City of Novato, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Novato Sunrise Rotary the 'Fishing in the City' program, provides the bait, tackle and rods needed for a fun filled family outing. Normal State fishing regulations apply at Scottsdale Pond. Anyone 16 years and older must have a California Fishing License. Pre-registration is advised to ensure a space, however, drop-ins are welcome if space is available. Last clinic begins at 10a.m. FREE!!!

Oktoberfest 2017 - 2018 coming Oct 20, 2018
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Each year our Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise, in pursuing the Rotary motto of “SERVICE ABOVE SELF,” sponsors an Oktoberfest.
It is our small scale, one evening version of the annual several day event held in Munich, Germany. The Oktoberfest tradition started in 1810 to celebrate the October 12th marriage of Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig to the Saxon-Hildburghausen Princess Therese. The citizens of Munich were invited to join in the festivities which were held over five days on the fields in front

Club Party for Jim Fritz
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Our club sponsored a club social event and celebration to honor Jim Fritz, the first president of The Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise when it was chartered by Rotary International May 3, 1994. The event was hosted by Mike Ring and Jackie Bonner at their home in Novato

Circus 2017 - This Fundraising Event was cancelled after FY2017-2018
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American Crown Family Circus - Memorial Day Weekend - 10 Exciting Shows
The Fundraising Event has been cancelled after FY 2017-2018

Annual Presentation of Dictionaries to 3rd Grade Students
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Members of Novato’s three Rotary clubs hand out nearly 700 dictionaries to third-graders at schools across the city as part of the service clubs' annual tradition aimed at helping local students succeed. “It’s to assist students in completing the school year as good writers, active writers and creative thinkers by providing them with their own personal dictionary to own and use at home,” said Jan Hutchinson, a board member for the Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise.

Fishing in the City 2017
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Co-sponsored by the City of Novato, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Novato Sunrise Rotary the 'Fishing in the City' program, provides the bait, tackle and rods needed for a fun filled family outing. Normal State fishing regulations apply at Scottsdale Pond. Anyone 16 years and older must have a California Fishing License. Pre-registration is advised to ensure a space, however, drop-ins are welcome if space is available. Last clinic begins at 10a.m. FREE!!!

District 5150 2017-2018 Awards
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District 5150 2017-2018 Awards

Test Gallery
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This is a test of Award images submitted to DACdb